Monday, January 26, 2009

I need to post another entry soon. I will soon enough. Sososososososo much to talk about. 

Just not right now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 P.M.

I love getting out of baseball early. 3 o'clock to be specific. Normally I'm stuck at baseball until about 4:30, but due to finals our coach decided to be oh so lenient to let us go home and study. I realized that things are so much better at 3 than they are at 4:30. First off, 106.7 was playing Incubus off the dank. That would have never happened in the 4:30 time slot. Most likely, it would have just been a bunch of Nirvana or Metallica or some bullshit. In addition to the Incubus, apparently at 3 the sun is not yet on the same axis as my car and the visors, normally used to block the sun, serve absolutely no purpose. Quite frankly I was ecstatic when I made the left hand turn onto Arboles and was not blinded by UV rays. I'm sure you know the feeling, following the sun with every turn just watching the sun creep up from the back left window as you veer right. Soon the sun pokes it's stupid head out, almost to say, "Hey, fuck you. You can't see shit." And you're just like "God dammit." No? You have no clue what I'm talking about? Shut up, yes you do.

Sorry about that. Anyways, when I got home, the gardeners were working in the back (something that would have never happened at a later hour). I'm not quite sure why, but I have a love/hate relationship with our gardeners. I have had some strange experiences with them stealing apricots and me catching them and then hearing them mutter some vulgarities in spanish. Also, the time I caught them watching the dodger game while I was home sick one day. No, they weren't in my house, but they might as well have been. It was more of an accumulation of Mexicans (only assuming based off of demographics for all you politically correct people out there) pressed up against my sliding glass door cheering for the Dodgers. That's true Dodger Nation right there. Needless to say, I washed my glass door thoroughly that afternoon. 

So yeah, sorry for all the tangents I seem to be going off on for all of you who read this garbage, but I just felt like sharing. 

But what I was really trying to get across in this entry is that 3 P.M. > 4 P.M.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! We have a new President! It's only natural of me to forget however, considering that Mr. King is the only teacher who isn't interested in the most historical inauguration in the history of our country. Yeah, I know, that even just sounds like a big deal when you say it out-loud. His reasoning when asked was "Well, you wouldn't watch a video about Pi in History class would you?" Really, Mr. King? And when the FUCK am I ever going to use graphs of radical functions and their inverses ever in my entire life? Seriously. What about the situation in life when I'm talking to my grandchildren and I want to tell them all about what I was doing when I SAW the first African American President being sworn in to office? Instead, I'm going to have to explain how my idiot math teacher is above presidential inaugurations. Bullshit.

Well, speak of the devil, I actually have to study for that asshole's final. Goodbye for now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Hate Basketball.

I am up much too early for this MLK Day. I always seem to wake up early on weekends and days off from school and can never go back to sleep. So, unlike all of you who are probably just waking up by now, or soon to be, I have been up for a solid 3 hours. Playing Fallout. With my dog. 

Anyways, last night was prettydecechillseshbackbrah? (In other words Hayden Cronesworth was involved). Jake, Hayden, and I watched some Hole in the Wall on ABC (bullshit television right there) and later went on down to 3 amigos, where which we saw Mr. Sheridan and Eddie McGilvra w/ Derek Jester. Not together of course, that would just be plain ridiculous. So, after that whole excursion, the night ended and I watched about 6 episodes of Man vs. Wild. 

Oh, and I know I'm backtracking in the day, but this story cannot go untold. So, about ohhh 3 or so weeks ago a couple buddies (Mike, Jake, Hayden, Cameron, and not Nolan because he's a fucker) and I were playing basketball at the Teen Center when we were approached about a Winter basketball league at the Teen Center. The guys name was Dan and quite frankly he smelled bad. Anyways, he gives all of the paperwork and I give him my number and we were all set to be the eighth team in the league, the Lakers. I even call up some other friends (T-Crown, Travis, Brady) and ask them to join in. Weeks unfold and finally, this Dan character decides to give me a call. He tells me that our team has a scrimmage on Sunday, mind you this is SATURDAY that he calls. There is no way we can get everyone there for the scrimmage the next day, so I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal and that he would just call me if he had any troubles. So, our team shows up the next Sunday, as we were assigned, at 10 o'clock in the AM. We go in to get our uniforms and there is another team there talking to Dan. Basically, Dan assigned another team to the Lakers as well and completely bounced us out of the picture (no, that wasn't an intentional basketball pun). I wouldn't be so angry if he didn't tell us that everything was a go, the week before our "game". Somehow, we ended up staying at the Teen Center until Dan managed to get us on to a team called the "Untouchables". Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. They had a legitimate coach and everything and we were just a couple of guys looking to play some basketball on Sundays. But this guy was talking practices and conditioning and all kinds of other bullshit. What? It's the fucking Teen Center. Are you kidding? "Practice? We talkin' bout practice?? Not a game, not a game. Practice." -A.I.

So we played one game for this guy, got our asses kicked, and boned out. I think it's safe to say we're not showing up for any practices. Or games, for that matter.

Oh and just a quick tidbit about studying! It sucks. Cocks. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Andy Dufresne

Well, here it is, my very first post. And quite frankly, it feels pretty good. It might be somewhat short, however, considering that a certain Biology Final Exam Study Guide and Mr. Cummings' Resume (No, not resume as in continue) have been taking up most of my time tonight. Actually, I take that back. I spent about 2 and half hours watching one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. The Shawshank Redemption. Yes, I know you have all probably seen it and are tired of talking about it, but I'm still feeling the effects. For those who don't already know, the movie is based around a very introverted character with an odd disposition about him. He's good with numbers (I mean like Good Will Hunting good) and seems to have a certain patience and icy calmness about him that is scary, yet admirable at the same time. All in all, Andy Dufresne is one of the most likable characters I have ever encountered. I'm not going to ruin the movie for those who haven't been blessed enough to watch it yet, but the entire story is based his and a couple other cellmates life in prison and the daily struggles they endure. Andy collects little, seemingly insignificant trinkets throughout the movie, that end up serving a giant purpose in the resolution. I know it's definitely a "oh dude, you had to be there" type of thing, but I can't help but want to share. His elaborate plan is the stuff of legends.

Long story short- rent The Shawshank Redemption if you haven't already done so. You will not regret it. 

Well, back to the study guide. all 105 definitions and 45 questions of it -_-

Disgusting, I know. Goodnight.