Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Andy Dufresne

Well, here it is, my very first post. And quite frankly, it feels pretty good. It might be somewhat short, however, considering that a certain Biology Final Exam Study Guide and Mr. Cummings' Resume (No, not resume as in continue) have been taking up most of my time tonight. Actually, I take that back. I spent about 2 and half hours watching one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. The Shawshank Redemption. Yes, I know you have all probably seen it and are tired of talking about it, but I'm still feeling the effects. For those who don't already know, the movie is based around a very introverted character with an odd disposition about him. He's good with numbers (I mean like Good Will Hunting good) and seems to have a certain patience and icy calmness about him that is scary, yet admirable at the same time. All in all, Andy Dufresne is one of the most likable characters I have ever encountered. I'm not going to ruin the movie for those who haven't been blessed enough to watch it yet, but the entire story is based his and a couple other cellmates life in prison and the daily struggles they endure. Andy collects little, seemingly insignificant trinkets throughout the movie, that end up serving a giant purpose in the resolution. I know it's definitely a "oh dude, you had to be there" type of thing, but I can't help but want to share. His elaborate plan is the stuff of legends.

Long story short- rent The Shawshank Redemption if you haven't already done so. You will not regret it. 

Well, back to the study guide. all 105 definitions and 45 questions of it -_-

Disgusting, I know. Goodnight.


  1. speaking of movies, I have to watch indiana jones and analyze why its a great american movie then write and essay about it on my final. So pretty much fuck Harrison Ford, he's a dirty fuck and Han Solo was by far the worst star wars character.

  2. hi, write another blog, yah?
    kay thanks.

  3. This was the same night you couldnt find the time to hang out, yes? Right right. Hmmm, well uh, my mood keeps getting lighter with every blog doesnt it? -_-
